◆ 2017-2019 ◆ 2014-2016 ◆ 2011-2013 ◆ 2007-2010
Lu, Y., Hong, Z., Lin, H., & Wang, H.(2019, Jul). Exploring Taiwanese citizens’ interest in, and understanding of science-related issues, perceptions about enjoyment in science learning. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Science Education Research Association, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Wang, H. Hong, Z., & Lin, H. (2019, Mar). The Role of Engagement, Enjoyment, and Self-efficacy in Building Students' and Adults' Scientific Competencies. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD.
Li, Y.-Y. (2018, April). The study of communication strategies of climate change risk. Paper presented at the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Pan,Y-T., Yang, K-K., Hong, Z. R., & Lin, H-S.(2018, March). The effect of interest and engagement in learning science on adults’environmental actions and scientific competency. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.
- Lin, Y. P., Chang, R. K., & Tsai, C. Y. (2016, November). The relationship between students' self-efficacy and basic programming concepts. Paper presented at the Conference of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association-Taiwan Education Research Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Tsai, C. -Y., Cheng, Y.-Y., Huang, T.-C., Cheng, J.-C., Shein, P.-P., … Lin, C.-L. (2016, November). Public engagement in science and technology and its impacts. Paper presented at the Conference of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association-Taiwan Education Research Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Li, Y.-Y. (2016, September). The study of environmental risk communication strategy: an example of environmental communication of climate-change. Paper presented at the 9th World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Tsai, C. -Y., Shein, P.-P., Cheng, J.-C., Li, Y.-Y., Cheng, Y.-Y. Huang, T.-C., … Chen, Y.-T. (2016, August). Public engagement in science and technology in Society-structures and changes in the long run. Paper presented at the Conference of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association-Taiwan Education Research Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Huang, T.-C., & Tsai, C. -Y.(2015, November). Survey of Public Scientific Literacy in Taiwan 2015. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Li, Y.-Y., Petkova,K., Huang,T.-C., Boyadjieva, P.(2015, November). Public understanding of science and technology in Bulgaria, Taiwan and UK. Paper presented at the 2015 The International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Bauer, M.W., Li, Y.-Y., Falade, B.A., & Jonsdottir, G.A. (2015, November). Fundamental Attitudes to Science and Technology – Exploring a New Measure in Iceland, Taiwan, UK and Nigeria. Paper presented at the 2015 The International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Shein, P.-P. (2015, November). Factors Contributing to Access to Informal Science Education Institutions in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2015 The International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Cheng, J.-C., Lin, L.-C. (2015, November). Promoting Junior High Students' Nanotechnology Literacy in Non-formal Nanometer-related Curricula. Paper presented at the 2015 The International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Sun, G.-W., Huang, T.-C. (2015, November). Gender Difference in Taiwan Citizens’ Understanding of Science. Paper presented at the 2015 The International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Tsai, C. –Y. (2015, November). The relationship between public self-efficacy in science and scientific competencies. Paper presented at the 2015 The International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Lin,C.-L., Sun, G.-W., Huang, T.-C. (2015, November). The Relationship among Taiwan Citizens’ Affective factors toward Science and Technology and their Media Audience Rating. Paper presented at the 2015 The International Conference of Civic Science Literacy and Science Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Li, Y.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2015, October). An examination of the mediational knowledge-attitude model in public understanding of science and technology. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- Cheng, J.-C., Shein, P.-P., & Huang, T.-C. (2015, October). Taiwanese citizens’ information sources for and interest in science and technology. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- Tsai, C.-Y., Sun, G.-W., Chao, I.-C., & Huang, T.-C. (2015, October). The relationship between public engagement in science and scientific competencies. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- Shen, S.-P., & Huang, T.-C. (2015, October). A trend study of Taiwan Public knowledge, interest, and attitude toward science and technology. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- Shein, P.-P., Li, Y.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2015, October). Promoting interests in pursuing science and technology. Paper presented at the 2015 International Symposium on Education and Psychology, Kyoto, Japan.
- Lin, C.-L., Huang, T.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2015, September). The gender difference of high school students' learning interest in a project-based learning curriculum. Paper presented at the 11th biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2015), The University of Helsinki, Finland.
- Tsai, C.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2015, September). The affective and engagement factors predicting civic scientific literacy in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 11th biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2015), The University of Helsinki, Finland.
- Li, Y.-Y. (2015, September). Public understanding of science and paranormal belief in Taiwan: Late generation and its impact on cognitive polyphagia. Paper presented at the meeting of 2015 The Cultural Authority of Science–Common Sense in Comparison (WORKSHOP), Cape Town, South Africa.
- Li, Y.-Y. (2015, June). Does reading literature play a role in narrowing the gap between the knowledge and behavior on preserving marine environment? Paper presented at the 8th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Sun, G.-W., Chen, C.-T., Huang, T.-C., & Shih, C.-L. (2015, March). Assessing differential facet functioning in the measurement of adults scientific literacy. Paper presented at the 5th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Osaka, Japan.
- Li, Y.-Y. (2015, March). The trend and the suggestion of key word extraction of Taiwan corpus of Chinese science news from 1990 to 2010. Paper presented at the meeting of 2015 Mapping the Cultural Authority of Science (MACAS 2015), Istanbul.
- Tasi, C.-Y., Chao, D., & Huang, T.-C. (2014, November). Gender-difference effect of scientist-teacher co-teaching upon students' situational interest in science. Paper presented at the 2014 Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd), Hong Kong.
- Lin, C. L., & Huang, T.-C. (2013, December). The relation among citizens' interest, knowledge and intention toward science and technology. Paper presented at the 2013 Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.
- Lin, C.-L., Huang, T.-C, & Chao, D. (2013, December). Transform the knowledge and doing the project under the Green Chemical curriculum. Paper presented at the 2013 Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.
- Li, Y.-Y., Sun, G.-W., Shieh, H.-J., & Huang, T.-C. (2013, September). Length of survey and quality of response. Paper presented at the 2013 International Conference on Survey Research Methodology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Tsai, C.-Y., Chou, Y.-C., Yu, K.-C., Chao, D., Su, M.-J., & Huang, T.-C. (2013, August). The role of emotional factors in building public scientific competencies. Paper presented at the meeting of TERA-PROMS 2013, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Li, Y.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2013, July). Scientific literacy, attitude to science and paranormal belief. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of European Survey Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Li, Y.-Y., Chao, D., Cheng, Y.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2012, December). Public interest in science and technology from scientific literacy survey in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 8th Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education, National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Shein, P.-P., Su, M.-J., Yu, K.-C., & Huang, T.-C. (2012, December). Impact of Science Spaces on Public Scientific Literacy. Paper presented at the 8th Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education, National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Li, Y.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2012, November). Para-scientific beliefs and science literacy in Taiwan. Mapping The Cultural Authority Of Science Across Europe And India, New Delhi, India.
- Li, Y.-Y., Shein, P.-P., Shih, C.-L., Chen, Y.-H., Chen, Y.-L., Hsieh, P.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2012, November). The study of public’s motivations in visiting National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA). An International of Museum 2012, National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Li, Y.-Y., & Huang, T.-C. (2012, July). Public interest and informed knowledge of agriculture in rural and urban Taiwan. Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, The Rural Sociological Society.
- Li, Y.-Y., Shien, P.-P., & Huang, T.-C. (2012, April). Social contexts of citizens’ interest in the issues of science and technology. Paper presented at the 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy.
- Huang, T.-C., & Shein, P.-P. (2012, April). Taiwan’s Survey of civic scientific literacy – past, present, and future. Paper presented at the 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy.
- Huang, T. C., Wu, Y. Y., Cheng, Y. Y., Liu, J. Y (2011, December). An investigation of Taiwanese adults’ scientific literacy on issues around water. 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Taiwan Education Research Association, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Shein, P.-P., Chao, D., Liu, C.-S., Chen, Y.-A., & Cheng, J.-C. (2011, December). An investigation of Taiwanese adults’ scientific literacy on water consumption. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Taiwan Education Research Association, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Tsai, C.-Y., & Wu, K.-C. (2011, December).An investigation of Taiwanese adults’ scientific literacy on water resources. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Taiwan Education Research Association, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Tsai, C.-H., & Chou, Y.-C. (2011, December). An investigation of Taiwanese adults’ scientific literacy on water pollution. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Taiwan Education Research Association, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Yu, K.-C., Chang, S.-F., & Huang, Y.-L. (2011, December). An investigation of Taiwanese adults’ scientific literacy on water conservation. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Taiwan Education Research Association, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Su, M.-J., & Hung, J.-F. (2011, December). An investigation of Taiwanese adults’ scientific literacy on flood prevention. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Taiwan Education Research Association, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Wu, K.-C., Shein, P.-P., Tsai, C.-Y., Wu, Y.-Y., Chao, D., & Huang, T.-C. (2011, June). A study of public perception on global warming and attitudes toward science and technology of Taiwanese adult. Paper presented at the 42th Annual ASERA Conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide.
- Tsai, C.-Y., Huang, T.-C., Chou, C.-Y., Wu, Y.-Y., Chiu, H.-L., Liu, C.-J., Hung, F.-J. & Chao, D. (2010, August). Gender differences in public understanding of and attitudes toward science in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Chemical Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wu, K.-C., Huang, X.-Z., Chou, C.-Y., Wu, Y.-Y., Chiu, H.-L., Liu, C.-J., Hong, J.-F., Chao, D. & Huang, T.-C. (2009, October). Public attitudes toward science and technology in Taiwan. Paper presented at Conference of the East-Asian Science Education, Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Huang, X. Z., Wu, K. C., Chou, C. Y., Wu, Y. Y., Chiu, H. L., Liu, C. J., Hong, J. F., David Chao & Huang, T. C.(2009, October). The Public’s View of Scientists in Taiwan. Paper presented at Conference of the East-Asian Science Education, Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Tsai, C.-Y., Shieh, P.-Y., Chou, C.-Y., Wu, Y.-Y., Chiu, H.-L., Liu, C.-J., Hong, J.-F., Chao, D. & Huang, T.-C. (2009, October). Public knowledge about science and technology in Taiwan. Paper presented at Conference of the East-Asian Science Education, Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Cheng, J.-C., Tseng, Y.-C., Chou, C.-Y., Wu, Y.-Y., Chiu, H.-L., Liu, C.-J., Hong, J.-F., Chao, D. & Huang, T.-C. (2009, October). Information sources and interest in science and technology in Taiwan. Paper presented at the conference of the East-Asian Science Education, Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan.