◆ The first survey in 2008
The first survey had been accomplished in November, 2008, and the executive report (revised version) had been printed in October, 2012. The effective samples of the survey are 2024.
The major findings of the 2008 survey are as followed. First, TV is the primary source to obtain information about S&T, while newspaper, internet and magazines are the second source. The proportion of citizens in Taiwan visiting informal science institutions during a year is less than 3%. The public are interested most in environmental preservation issues. Second, the public recognized the importance of S&T issues and the positive impact of scientific research. The public support to increase more funding in S&T research, and also show positive attitude toward the contribution of scientists. Third, Taiwan citizens have a medium to high level of understanding in scientific research process and scientific facts, but an inferior level of understanding in basic scientific concepts and scientific terms.
◆ The second survey in 2012
The second survey had been accomplished in May, 2012, and the executive report had been printed in October, 2012. The effective samples of the survey are 1863.
The major findings of the 2012 survey are as followed. First, TV is the primary source to obtain information about S&T. There is an increasing proportion of visitors to informal science institutions, compared to 2008. The public are still interested most in environmental preservation issues. Second, the public recognized the importance of S&T issues and the positive impact of scientific research. The public support to increase more funding in S&T research, except in nuclear energy. Third, there is an improvement in public knowledge about S&T, compared to 2008.
◆ The third survey in 2015
The third survey had been accomplished in February, 2015, and the executive report had been printed in May, 2015. The effective samples of the survey are 1831.
The major findings of the 2015 survey are as followed. First, TV and Internet are the primary sources to obtain information about S&T. The proportion of citizens in Taiwan visiting informal science institutions during a year has increased, compared to 2008 and 2012. The public are still interested most in environmental preservation issues. Second, Taiwan citizens have a good understanding of scientific research process and natural science; however, the concept of experimental design and hereditary probability has worsened a little. Third, the public recognized the importance of S&T issues and the positive impact of scientific research, but still are conscious of the risks of scientific research. In addition, there is a considerable proportion of the population believing in pseudo-science.
◆ The fourth survey in 2018
The survey was completed in June, 2018, with 1,657 valid samples collected.
The main results found in this survey include: (1)Taiwan citizens had a high level of well-being, especially with the agreement level of “Life is beautiful” and “I think life is valuable” rated over 80%. (2)Taiwan citizens received scientific information mainly through mobile network and television, and the percentage of people vising science-communication-related occasions in 2018 had increased, compared with 2015. (3)They had a good level of scientific ability but did slightly less well than 2015 in experimental design. (4)More than 50% of the citizens assumed public opinions should be considered in significant policy making related to science and technology. Popular issues in the citizens’ daily lives pertain much to air pollution, energy shortage, and water scarcity.