


The International conference of civic science literacy and science culture






本研討會主要有兩個重點,一是公民科學素養調查資料的推廣,其二是與國際之聯結。公民科學素養調查資料是科技部委託之有關成年人對科學的認知、態度以及興趣之長期資料庫,每次調查約兩百題左右題目,至今分別於2008年、2012年、2015年進行三次資料收集。本次國際研討會,除了邀請研究團隊以及同好發表文章,透過與台灣教育研究協會( TERA)一起舉辦,把公民科學素養調查資料庫推廣至教育學界。國際研討會的舉辦,對於國外學者的來訪,提供主辦單位,以及國內學者,提供了一個與國外學者深入交流的機會。另外在國際合作方面,未來將會繼續與本次邀請之三個國家(美國、英國、保加利亞)的研究團隊繼續合作。


本次研討會在促進創新及國際合作計畫的進展上,有豐富成果。經過本次研討會語彙國內外學者交換意見,有以下三個可能國際合作研究計畫,在非制式科學教育研究方面,邀請兩位來自美國的非制式教育重量級的學者(John Falk & Lynn D. Dierking)演講有關在非制式科學教育之最新研究,並參與跨國合作構想論壇,預計本研究團隊未來將會參加美國John Falk主持「綜合效應:設計介入實驗以維持青少年的STEM科學興趣和參與」跨國調查研究。此外,來自英國倫敦政經學院的Martin W. Bauer教授,亦發表科學文化之最新研究構想,並提出「科學研究機構促進大眾參與」跨國合作計畫邀請。來自保加利亞的Martin Ivanov則演講有關與德國跨國合作研究之培養大學生運用永續發展概念在綠色科技創新企業產品計畫,對於永續生態企業精神的培養模式,是未來大學永續發展教育值得發展的重要面向,未來如有機會,將會繼續與保加利亞、德國進行此一方面的合作研究。


Prof Lynn D. Dierking

Lynn D. Dierking is a Sea Grant Professor in Free-Choice STEM Learning, College of Science, and Interim Associate Dean for Research, College of Education, Oregon State University. Her research focuses on lifelong learning, particularly free-choice, out-of-school time learning (in after-school, home-, and community-based contexts), with an emphasis on youth, families and community, particularly those under-represented in STEM.  

Prof John H. Falk

Dr. Falk is the founding Director of the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning. His research focuses on: the study of learning in free-choice learning settings (with particular focus on museums and eco-tourism venues); understanding the role of situated-identity in leisure/tourist decision-making and learning; and investigating how the public utilizes free-choice educational institutions to support their long-term science learning.

Prof Martin W. Bauer

Martin W Bauer is current a Professor of Social Psychology & Research Methodology at the LSE, where he directs MSc Programme Social & Public Communication. A former head of the LSE Methodology Institute, he is editor-in-chief of Public Understanding of Science, and a regular Visiting Professor in Brazil (UFGRS & Campinas). He advises BIS-UK and Eurobarometer on matters of assessing public understanding of science. 

Prof Kristina Petkova

Kristina Petkova is professor at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She is Co-Editor of the main Bulgarian sociological journal Sotsiologicheski problemi [Sociological Problems] and expert evaluator at the European Commission. She is a member of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology and of the Society for Social Studies of Science. She has been team leader in different national representative and international cross-cultural studies. Her languages include Bulgarian, English, Russian and French.

Dr. Martin J. Ivanov

Martin J. Ivanov is the assistant professor of the Department Knowledge Society: Science, Education & Innovations in the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Science. He is the project manager of “Man, technology, environment. Through education for sustainable ecological development in Ruse and the region” funded by German Federal Foundation of Ecology. 



英國倫敦政經學院 Martin W. Bauer 教授演講


保加利亞科學研究院教授 Kristina Petkova 演講

保加利亞 Martin Ivanov 教授演講


美國 John Falk 教授演講

美國 Lynn Dierkin 教授演講









